Oquaga Weekend Schedule 2006

Friday Evening   Saturday   Sunday  
6:30-7:30pm  Evening Buffet Meal 8:00-8:45am  Breakfast 8:00-9:00am   Breakfast       
7:30-9:00pm    Sandwiches 9:00-10:30am  1st Instructor teaches 9:15-10:30am    1st Instructor Reviews
8:00pm   Get Acquainted Dance 10:30-10:45am    Break 10:30-10:45am  Break
10:15pm    Snack Break 10:45-12:00n   2nd Instructor teaches 10:45-12:00n    2nd Instructor Reviews
11:00pm  After party 12:45-1:30pm  Lunch 12:45pm     Buffet Lunch
    1:45-3:15pm  2nd Instructor teaches After Lunch  Homeward Bound
    3:15-3:30pm Break             
    3:30-4:45pm   1st Instructor teaches    
    6:30-7:30pm  Dinner    
    8:00pm to ??   Dance Party    
    10:00pm      Snack Break    
    ?? to ?? 

After party


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